See our exhibitions

Over the course of human history, science has developed from our early understanding of fire, wind, water, and earth to exploring everything from galaxies far away to the very building blocks of life itself.



Explore the wonders of our cosmos. Our fantastic exhibition, ‘The Sky Above Us’, explores the night sky and what we can see and know about the universe around us. We’ll locate the various constellations and galaxies that can be seen and learn a bit about the early navigators who used the stars to travel by.



For centuries, philosophers and scientists have wrestled with the question of our origins. Where do we come from and how did we get here? Since Darwin proposed his theory of evolution we have had a framework for exploring and understanding our place in this world.

Biology and Medicine

Biology and Medicine

For many people their life expectancy is much longer and their quality of life much improved, thanks to the growth of our understanding of medicine. Over a series of exhibits we explore the history of medicine and take a look at some major breakthroughs including the discovery of penicillin and the first heart transplant.

Robotics and AI

Robotics and AI

The information revolution is here and robotics and artificial intelligence are the science of the future. From useful home applications of AI to industrial uses of robotics, the future is here. You can even say hello and shake the hand of Rob the Robot.



As we learn more and more of the impact humans are having on the planet, the more important it becomes that scientists explore how to create a sustainable future not just for humans but for the whole planet.